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Cream of Chicken Macaroni and Cheddar

Ever have one of those nights when you can’t seem to figure out what’s for dinner? Maybe you are in – between grocery shopping trips and the cabinets are getting empty. This macaroni dinner is the perfect solution. It is quick, easy, filling and inexpensive.

All you have to do is cook up some macaroni elbows, then toss the rest of the ingredients in the pan. Mix until melted, and serve!

Cream of Chicken Macaroni and Cheddar

Yield – 6 servings
Preparation Time – 5 minutes
Cooking Time – 10 minutes


  • 1 Box of macaroni elbows (1 pound package). On sale for 88 cents.
  • 1 can of peas (15 oz.) drained. On sale for 69 cents.
  • 1 can of Campbell’s cream of chicken soup (10 3/4 oz.). On sale for 88 cents.
  • 1/2 cup of milk. 09 cents.
  • 1/2 block sharp cheddar cheese (1/2 block is 4 oz.). On sale for 95 cents.
  • Carrot sticks (cut up 3 large carrots, put a little on each plate) 50 cents.
  • Bread and Butter (one buttered slice, cut in half, per person) 58 cents.


  • Cook Macaroni elbows according to package directions. Drain and return to pan.
  • Slice up the cheddar cheese and add to elbows.
  • Pour cream of chicken and the milk on top of the elbows.
  • Pour one can of (drained) peas on top of the elbows.
  • Stir everything together until it all melts.
  • Serve macaroni with bread and butter on the side, along with carrot sticks.

Cost $4.57